Monday, November 16, 2009

Quick Update

Hi all, just wanted to let you know that Zoe is feeling much better! She is zooming around on three legs while her foot heals and is already pretty adept at it. She is much more alert and active now, which is great. She loves being home but still gets a little anxious when a loud car goes by. Who can blame her, right? Anyway, thanks again for all of your care and god thoughts!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Zoe is already famous!

Modern technology reunites lost pets with families

Zoe is home safe!!!

So we got a call from Marc's work this morning saying they thought they had her. Apparently, the wonderful people who work at Merrifield Garden Center saw her come onto their property and recognized her. Almost their entire staff got together to keep her from running away. They got a hold of her and brought her inside and wrapped her up all snuggly until we could get there.

I hugged about 20 of their employees and burst into tears when I saw her. She immediately recognized us and despite the harrowing expereince she must have gone through over the last few days she rolled over on her back to get her belly rubbed! We immediately took her to South Paws where they took great care of her. She has a broken foot and a laceration over an eye and her pads are pretty torn up. But they bandaged her up and say she is going to be just fine!!!!!! She is now clean and warm and all snuggled up on her bed next to me as I type. Even our cat seemed happy to have her home. :)

I can't tell you how much Marc and I appreciate everyone's support and concern. You all remind us that there are good, caring people in the world who will go out of their way to help a total stranger, so thank you so much!

Breaking News!

A call just came in that is more than a sighting -- it's a dog that the people are sure is Zoe, IN the top soil bin at Merrifield Garden Center! Zoe's mom & dad are on their way now and I'm holding my breath for good news! Stay tuned!

UPDATE: Zoe has been found, and is on her way to South Paws to be checked out!!!!

The story and pictures will follow, so check back!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Outreach efforts--we need you!

We think Zoe may have been picked up by someone on 495--which means she could be just about anywhere.

We need your help to reach out to area vets in DC, MD, and VA. If you have media contacts, please let us know and we'll get you the press release.

If someone did pick Zoe up, we want to find them, thank them, and bring Zoe back to her family!

Thank you!

Update on Possible Sighting

So the wonderful woman who saw a dog that looked like Zoe being picked up on 495 has provided details:

Yesterday morning at approximately 8 am, I received a frantic voice mail from a friend of mine, saying that she witnessed an Australian Shepherd Catahoula mix, crossing the northbound lanes of 495 near the Arlington Blvd exit.

She witnessed the terrifying and alarming situation immediately, as a dog with an obvious limp was making its way to the center median of the highway. According to her report, as soon as the dog reached the median, it then proceeded to head southbound (opposing traffic) hugging the median wall. Although my friend was unable to stop, she stated that when she looked in her rear view mirror, she saw a white SUV successfully pull to the center median, and jump out of the car and race after the dog.

Minutes later, she was so releived, as the she said the same SUV that had pulled over in obvious attempts to catch the frightened (and potentially injured) animal, actually drove past her with the dog inside its vehicle.

She believes the white SUV was a
Ford Expedition, she definitely confirmed it had VA plates, but cannot confirm the plate #, nor if the individual was male or female. The dog regardless is off of the highway, but thus far we've had no reportings of shelters or vets having the animal

PM Update: Thanks to volunteers and Zoe's dad who have spent most of the day calling Northern Virginia vets! No one has Zoe yet, but all wanted to get the flier. Zoe can now be found on FidoFinder, and listings have been posted to Craigslist - one about Zoe the lost dog and one in search of whoever picked up a dog from 495 on Tuesday.

Several Sightings So Far

So we were out all day yesterday looking for her and putting up posters and there have been several sightings of her which leads us to believe she was still in the area.

She was seen near the Merrifield Post Office and the old Multiplex Movie Theater at about 9:30PM Monday Nov 9 (reported via a Craigslist posting). There was another sighting of her in the same area later that night at about 4:30 AM Tuesday Nov 10 (called in to us Tuesday morning).

We have also received a report that a dog matching her description was seen being picked up by a white SUV on 495 near Arlington Boulevard which is about a 1/2 mile from the other sightings. This occurred late morning on Tuesday Nov 10.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Zoe Is Missing!

Zoe ran away around noon on Monday Nov. 9, 2009. She escaped near the Gallows Road / Lee Highway intersection in Merrifield/Falls Church Virginia.

She is a beautiful, female Australian Cattle Dog/Catahoula Mix Breed.
She has a mixed Grey and White coat, very mottled.
She has very striking light blue/grey eyes.
She weighs about 50 Lbs. and is a young dog, about 1 1/2 years old.
She responds to her name and is very gentle, but she is also shy so she might try to get away if anyone approaches her.

Here are a couple of pictures of Zoe:

A round of LostMyDoggie robo calls also went out to residents around where Zoe went missing.